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What You Need to Know About Windows 10 End of Life

Windows 10 has been a staple in the business world since 2015, and with more than one billion computers using the operating system worldwide, it’s easy to see why it is a go-to choice for businesses. However, in a little over a year, support for Windows 10 will end, and with that comes some significant changes for the users of this operating system. If you aren’t prepared, you could be in for some trouble once Windows 11 is the new mandatory operating system. At Workplace I.T. Management, we want to make sure all our clients and readers of our blogs know about this and are prepared. That’s why, in this blog post, we will dive into what Windows 10 end of life means, what it means for businesses, and how you can prepare for the transition, so keep reading to find out.

Windows 10 End of Life sounds like it will be a catastrophic event where, if you miss the deadline, you won’t be able to access your computer. Thankfully, that’s not what an operating system end-of-life means. Windows 10 EOL means that Microsoft has decided that in October of 2025, they will stop supporting the current Windows 10 operating system. You can still use it, but the OS will no longer receive regular patches or maintenance updates.

For businesses, this means that if you ever have a problem with your computer, you can no longer rely on Microsoft for official security patches or bug fixes. Continuing with Windows 10 after EOL translates to increased security vulnerabilities. Without ongoing security patches and bug fixes from Microsoft, your company PCs become more susceptible to malware, viruses, and other online threats. This creates a double whammy: not only is your data at risk but new software and hardware might also malfunction on an unsupported system. Additionally, businesses miss out on the latest features and bug fixes that come with newer versions of Windows 10, potentially hindering productivity and efficiency. In essence, sticking with Windows 10 after the end of life exposes your organization to more significant security risks and limits your ability to leverage the full potential of your technology.

To prepare for this transition, there are several things your business should start doing now to ensure a smooth upgrade to Windows 11 by October 2025. The first step is to conduct a thorough hardware and software inventory. This will help you identify all Windows 10 devices and assess their compatibility with Windows 11. Microsoft provides a free PC Health Check tool that simplifies this process. Upgrading existing hardware might be necessary for some machines, while others may be eligible for the free upgrade to Windows 11. Next, prioritize your upgrade strategy. Consider factors like device age, performance needs, and user roles when determining the upgrade order. Piloting the upgrade on a small test group can help identify any unforeseen compatibility issues with business-critical software. Finally, remember to back up all essential data before initiating any large-scale rollouts. This ensures a secure and worry-free transition to Windows 11 for your business, so you don’t lose precious documents, photos, or other files during the transition.

The end of support for Windows 10 presents an opportunity to upgrade your business technology and take advantage of the latest security features and functionalities offered by Microsoft. By following the steps outlined above, you can ensure a smooth and efficient transition for your organization. Workplace IT Management understands that navigating these upgrades can be complex, but we’re here to help. Our team can answer any questions you may have about Windows 11 compatibility or walk you through the upgrade process itself.

Additionally, we offer comprehensive data backup solutions to ensure a worry-free transition and ensure that no critical files will be lost during the upgrade. In the coming months, expect a detailed advisory from us regarding Windows 10 EOL and the upgrade path to Windows 11. This advisory will provide further information and resources to assist you in planning and executing a successful upgrade for your business. If you would like to get a start on this transition today, contact us, and we can speak about your specific business needs and the steps you need to take to be prepared for the future.

Public Wi-Fi and Your Work Data: When is it Safe to Connect?

In today’s digitally connected world, the lure of public Wi-Fi is undeniable. When our phones lack signal, or our internet crawls and things won’t load, many of us turn to see if there are any public Wi-Fi networks available to get us back online. They’ve become essential for our on-the-go lives, fueling everything from catching up on work emails at cafes to online shopping during airport layovers. However, this convenience comes at a cost: security. And for work devices, the risk is even greater.

Staying connected while on the move is essential these days. Public Wi-Fi can be a lifesaver whether you’re working remotely, traveling, or simply enjoying a coffee at a place like Starbucks. However, being aware of the potential security risks is essential. This guide will help you navigate using public Wi-Fi safely for your personal and professional needs.

The ease of using unprotected public Wi-Fi networks can be deceptive. These connections look like they would be secure, but often, they lack the security measures found on private networks, exposing your data and devices to potential risks. You can be exposed to several security risks by using public Wi-Fi. These risks include man-in-the-middle” attacks to steal your information as it travels between your device and the network. Hackers can also create fake Wi-Fi networks that look legitimate, tricking you into connecting and giving them access to your data. No matter how safe a public Wi-Fi network appears, hackers could potentially infiltrate it. Here’s why you should be cautious:

Security breaches aren’t just something our staff at Workplace IT want you to think is a concern. They are a concern for many people. According to a survey done by Forbes Advisor, 43% of people have had their online security compromised while using public Wi-Fi. The breaches can be as invasive as a stolen password or as compromising as intercepted financial transactions.

Despite the façade of legitimate names used by malicious actors to mimic legitimate establishments, you can’t always trust the networks you see when you open your Wi-Fi settings to connect. The network listings on your screen can be a digital mirage that, once connected, allows hackers to see your personal and corporate data.

Public Wi-Fi networks are often unencrypted, so your data travels openly across the airwaves. This lack of protection creates a prime opportunity for attackers. They can efficiently operate undetected, stealing sensitive information as it’s transmitted.

Connecting to an unsecured network opens the door to these digital threats, and the consequences for businesses can be catastrophic. From the theft of valuable intellectual property to the exposure of confidential client data, the risks are significant.

Even after all we discussed, not all public Wi-Fi is unsafe. There are circumstances where the public network can be leveraged without worrying about whether your data will be secure. Below are situations where the danger of using public Wi-Fi is mitigated and made safer.

Public Wi-Fi networks can be risky for your data. However, a Virtual Private Network (VPN) adds a robust layer of security. When activated, a VPN encrypts your data, creating a secure tunnel that hides it from prying eyes. With a VPN active, even on public Wi-Fi, your data remains protected from potential cybercriminals.

Although not a foolproof solution, websites secured with HTTPS encryption offer a critical layer of security on public Wi-Fi. The “S” in HTTPS stands for Secure Sockets Layer, a technology that encrypts communication between your device and the website. This encryption helps safeguard your data from being intercepted by attackers on the network.

While public Wi-Fi is generally risky for sensitive data, specific low-risk situations allow for controlled use with proper vigilance. This includes activities like general browsing or quickly checking non-sensitive work emails. However, crucial safeguards are necessary. Limit activity to websites that don’t require sensitive login information (e.g., bank accounts, work portals) and keep your public Wi-Fi usage brief to minimize the exposure window. If possible, prioritize using a mobile hotspot or a secure private network for important tasks. This measured approach allows you to leverage public Wi-Fi for specific situations without compromising your data security, as long as you understand the risks and take appropriate precautions.

By understanding the potential security risks associated with public Wi-Fi and following the guidelines outlined in this document, individuals and businesses can navigate these connections safely. Businesses, in particular, can develop a strategic approach that balances the convenience of public Wi-Fi access with the critical need to protect sensitive data. This could involve implementing secure network gateways, enforcing strong password policies for employee devices, and educating employees about safe browsing practices on public Wi-Fi. Ultimately, the decision of whether or not to use public Wi-Fi comes down to a risk-benefit analysis. By being aware of the potential dangers and taking appropriate precautions, individuals and businesses can leverage the benefits of public Wi-Fi connections without compromising their online security. Remember, public Wi-Fi can be a valuable tool, but it’s crucial to use it wisely.

If you would like more information on protecting your business from cyber threats, contact Workplace IT today. We will provide you with a free audit of your systems to help you stay protected.

Proactive over Reactive: The Advantages of Managed IT Services Over Break-Fix Models

In the world of business I.T. solutions, many businesses have heard of the “break-fix” model: a system malfunctions, a technician is brought in, and they rectify the issue. But is this approach enough? In today’s rapidly evolving, data-centric digital landscape, looking for an advanced I.T. solution is important as your business evolves. This brings us to Managed I.T. Services (MSPs), an increasingly favored model in the world of business technology. This model offers immediate troubleshooting for I.T. problems, technology support, technology consulting, and strategic planning with a vision for your business’s future. So, then the question arises: when should you let go of the break-fix model for managing your company’s I.T. infrastructure and embrace comprehensive managed services like those offered by Workplace I.T. Management?

The break-fix approach waits for problems before stepping in, leading to potential downtime and data loss. On the other hand, when you are working with a Managed I.T. services provider, your systems are monitored around the clock, identifying and preventing issues before they can impact your operations. This proactive approach ensures your business runs smoothly with minimal disruptions. MSPs work to anticipate and mitigate potential risks, providing you with peace of mind and allowing you to focus on running your business. Additionally, scheduled maintenance and updates are performed often, ensuring your systems are always up-to-date and secure. This level of vigilance and proactivity can save your company significant time, money, and resources in the long run.

When you work with a break-fix model provider, you are billed by the hour, which can save you money when you don’t need help for an extended period. However, the costs can add up quickly and unexpectedly when a significant issue arises, which often leads to unexpected invoices and budgeting headaches. However, Managed I.T. service providers like Workplace I.T. Management offer flat monthly agreements so you always know exactly what you are going to be paying for your I.T. services each month. Flat monthly agreements provide financial predictability and peace of mind, allowing you to plan your budget effectively.

The break-fix model focuses on solving immediate problems, typically neglecting larger I.T. strategy and cybersecurity concerns. The main goal of a break-fix model provider is to put out fires as quickly as possible when issues arise, but they often don’t worry about making sure the fires never happen in the first place. In contrast, Managed I.T. Service Providers like Workplace I.T. Management offer comprehensive I.T. support, including cybersecurity protection, 24/7 systems monitoring, network consulting, help desk support, I.T. security guidance, cloud services, strategic guidance, managed firewall services, and much more. This strategy ensures that all your I.T. needs are holistically addressed.

Break-fix solutions often provide short-term relief without a clear vision for future I.T. needs. Managed I.T. Services partner with you, strategically aligning I.T. with your business goals and anticipating growth plans. This partnership ensures your I.T. infrastructure evolves with your business, paving the way for sustainable growth. With a Managed I.T. Services provider, you can be confident that your technology is always ready for anything that happens with your business. Workplace I.T. Management stays ahead of industry trends and developments, ensuring that your systems are optimized for success in the long run. Through proactive planning and strategic guidance, you can stay ahead of technology disruptions and maximize your business’s potential. Don’t wait for problems to arise before taking action. Embrace the advantages of Managed I.T. Services over break-fix models and experience the benefits of a proactive, reliable, and forward-looking I.T. partnership with Workplace I.T. Management.

As your business expands, the limitations of the break-fix model become increasingly prevalent. Consider moving to Managed I.T. Services for scalability and proactive planning. If data security concerns keep you awake at night, remember that Managed I.T. Services offer advanced security protocols and constant monitoring. Is frequent downtime hurting your bottom line? An MSP can minimize this with proactive maintenance and rapid response times. If you’re frustrated with a reactive approach to I.T., an MSP can become your trusted I.T. partner, relieving you of this burden and taking ownership of your tech needs.

While the break-fix model might seem cheaper initially, its reactive nature could cost you much more in the long run. Consider partnering with a Managed I.T. Services provider like Workplace I.T. Management to benefit from our forward-looking approach that enhances efficiency, bolsters security, and ultimately benefits your bottom line. Partnering with us may just be the solution you never knew you needed. 

Ready to leave the break-fix model behind? Contact Workplace I.T. Management today for a free consultation, and let us show you how Managed I.T. Services can revolutionize your business operations.

5 Cybersecurity Blind Spots Small Businesses Can’t Afford to Ignore

Many small businesses believe that cyberattacks only happen to large corporations. However, that couldn’t be further from the truth. In fact, many small businesses have fallen victim to a cyberattack. If you’re a small business owner and you’ve thought this way before, you’re not alone. It’s a common misconception that small businesses are less likely to be targeted by cybercriminals. Did you know that 43% of small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) have fallen victim to cyberattacks? According to the 2023 Verizon Data Breach Investigations Report. Alarmingly, more than 60% of them go out of business after they’ve been attacked. In this article, we will review five cybersecurity tips for small businesses.

While cyber threats can seem overwhelming and complex, many breaches are enabled by simple cybersecurity oversights. Are you making any of these common cybersecurity mistakes in your small business? If you are making these mistakes, a great first step is contacting Workplace I.T. Management to get a risk-free security assessment of your business. We provide I.T. solutions for small businesses and can help your businesses stay protected.

A staggering 59% of small business owners with no cybersecurity protection believe their size makes them too small to be attacked, according to As a small or medium business owner, it’s easy to think that your business is small enough that no cybercriminals would discover you. However, underestimating cybersecurity threats can be a terrible mistake. Cybercriminals often view small businesses as easy targets due to perceived vulnerabilities. All businesses, irrespective of their size or industry, are potential targets. Proactive measures towards cybersecurity are crucial for survival in today’s digital landscape.

The human factor is often the weakest link in an organization’s cybersecurity chain. Small businesses frequently overlook the importance of regular employee cybersecurity training, with only a small amount providing regular ongoing training to protect themselves from cybersecurity threats. Employees must be trained to recognize phishing attempts, understand the importance of strong passwords, and know cybercriminals’ various social engineering tactics.

Weak and reused passwords are a significant security vulnerability in small businesses. It’s essential to encourage employees to use strong, unique passwords and consider implementing multi-factor authentication (MFA). In an I.T. report by Spiceworks, they found that 54% of small businesses use weak or reused passwords. Strong password management adds an extra layer of security and can significantly reduce the risk of a breach.

Outdated software and systems are an open invitation to cybercriminals. Regularly updating your software, operating systems, and antivirus programs is essential to keeping your business safe. These updates often include patches for known security flaws that hackers can exploit if left unattended.

According to industry research, only around 38% of small businesses have a formal data backup and recovery plan in place, showing that many small businesses assume data loss won’t happen to them. However, data loss can occur for various reasons, including cyberattacks, hardware failures, or human errors. Regularly backing up critical data and testing these backups ensures you can swiftly recover in the event of a data loss incident. If the thought of losing all your valuable data wasn’t enough, the average data breach cost for a business with fewer than 500 employees is $2.98 million, and the average cost per breached record is $164, according to Ponemon Institute’s 2023 Cost of Data Breach Study. Workplace I.T. management can help you create a plan and backup your data so you’ll be protected in the event of a disaster.

Following these cybersecurity tips for small businesses can significantly reduce your risk of falling victim to a cyberattack. Remember, cybersecurity is not an expense; it’s an investment in your business’s longevity and reputation. Stay informed, stay vigilant, and most importantly, stay secure.

For more insights and advice on ways to keep your business safe, contact Workplace I.T. Management today! We will provide a risk assessment for your business and explain how we can help keep your business secure.

Ditch the IT Headaches: 7 Benefits of a Managed IT Services Provider

As a business owner, you have a lot on your plate, and worrying about the performance of your IT network should not be one of them. This is where Managed IT Services come in handy. A Managed Service Provider (MSP) is an external company that takes care of all your IT needs. They bring in their skilled experts to ensure your networks and computers are running smoothly. These services include 24/7 network monitoring, cybersecurity, troubleshooting, firewalls, data backups, printer services, cloud services, and more.

Managed IT Services can benefit businesses of all sizes and industries. Some companies outsource their entire IT department, while others outsource specific IT functions while keeping an in-house IT team. However, what are the advantages of having a Managed IT Service? The following section will explore the top 7 benefits of using a Managed Service Provider for your business.

One of the biggest challenges businesses face is managing their IT costs. The expenses can quickly add up from maintaining existing systems to upgrading hardware. Managed IT Services help mitigate these costs by keeping systems continuously and forecasting future IT spending needs based on the current situation and projected growth plans. This approach helps businesses avoid the shock of sudden IT costs and manage their budgets more effectively. Some IT Support companies like Workplace IT Management even have flat rate agreements where you pay a fixed monthly price, and all services you need are included, allowing you to know exactly how much your IT services will be each month.

Managed IT Services give businesses Access to a team of IT experts who specialize in different technology areas. This means you’ll always have someone knowledgeable to turn to when encountering an IT issue without hiring a full-time in-house specialist. It’s like having an entire IT department but only paying for your needed services.

Data protection is paramount in today’s digital age. Managed IT Service providers frequently invest in the latest technologies to offer their clients the best possible security solutions. By entrusting your IT needs to these providers, you’ll benefit from proactive business continuity and disaster recovery services, 24/7 monitoring, and enhanced cybersecurity solutions, all of which contribute to strengthening your data protection, and with 24/7 systems monitoring on your network, you can rest assured that your IT provider will be able to address small issues before they become major ones.

When it comes to IT issues, time is often of the essence. Managed IT Service providers usually support service-level agreements (SLAs) or service-level objectives (SLOs), which outline the expected response time to particular IT events. This ensures that problems are addressed promptly, minimizing downtime and keeping your business operations running smoothly. Additionally, most IT service providers know that IT issues don’t clock in and out, so they have technicians who serve clients both during and after normal hours. No matter when you want to work, you have a team of IT experts to help if any issues arise.

As your business grows, so do your IT needs. Managed IT Services provide scalability, allowing you to expand or reduce your IT resources. This flexibility is crucial for businesses in a growth phase or those experiencing seasonal fluctuations.

Instead of dealing with IT issues as they arise, Managed IT Services adopt a proactive approach, identifying potential problems before they cause significant damage. This helps prevent downtime and saves costs associated with fixing these issues.

With a Managed IT Services provider, businesses can focus on what they do best – running their business. By leaving IT management to the experts, business owners and employees can concentrate on tasks that directly contribute to business growth and customer satisfaction.

As you can see, Managed IT Services offer numerous benefits that can significantly enhance the efficiency and security of your business operations. Through the benefits of IT support services, businesses can:

  • Reduce IT operating costs
  • Gain access to a team of experts
  • Minimize IT headaches and downtimes
  • Gain 24/7 systems monitoring for their network
  • Ensure current and future IT needs are met

To ensure these needs are met, consider partnering with Workplace IT Management. With over 20 years of experience and 200+ clients, Workplace IT Management is your premier Managed IT Services provider in Sioux Falls and the Midwest. We ensure your business will receive the highest IT support today and every day you partner with us.
For more information on our Managed IT Services and the benefits they can provide to your business, contact us today.